Monday, March 19, 2012

March 18

Take action to set up a back-up plan for yourself. You never know what will happen.

The lovely Diana Fletcher suggests that we, as women, set up a separate bank account for ourselves. Just in case. I have to say that this is a great idea. Someone close to me who had been married for a long, long time, separated from her husband very abruptly. The first thing she did was move some of their savings to a separate account. But for those of us who aren't as quick on our feet... well, we should have a back-up plan. You never know.

xx Brie

I think it is a really good idea as well; I would never want to be completely financially dependent on someone else.  I think the idea of having a back up plan can be stretched farther than just setting up a separate bank account.  Maybe have a place you would meet your family if there was an emergency.  My sister and I have code words to use if we are ever in trouble.  Hopefully, we will never have to use them but who knows? 

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