Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 2

Don't gossip.

I do my best to not gossip about people.  When you hear women talking about how fat or slutty another woman is, it is incredibly unattractive and embarrassing for them.  Sometimes, I think it is good to vent about a certain person to a friend if it helps you keep your cool in front of that person.  My one friend and I have a policy like that.  It is not really vicious or mean so I guess it doesn't count as gossip.  So...yeah.

I could never say anything cruel about someone behind their back. I, like Amanda, will vent every once and a while, but I don't gossip for the sake of gossiping. When I hear a woman gossip, I just see her as so immature. There are so many better things that you could be occupying your mind with! I would be absolutely crushed if I knew someone was gossiping about me. I'm sure it happens, but I know I can't stop it. That's why I would never intentionally gossip. I hate hurting people's feelings.

xx Brie

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