Make personal fitness a top priority. Excess weight can drag your spirits down and hold you back.
I am making it my goal to be really active this summer. I'm going to have a much lighter work load, so this should be easy. I can feel a huge difference when I don't exercise. Also, when I don't exercise I get sick easily and I have much less energy. I'll keep you updated on how it goes.
xx Brie
Ugh. Exercising. Here is the thing. I love being active when I am away from home. I love to wander through cities and try different sporty activities depending on where I am. However, I hate exercising for exercising sake. I detest gyms, especially treadmills (growl). That is why I am going to explore different fun activities in the region where I live this summer. Updates will follow.
I just wanted to add a little to this. I think the key is finding ways to be active in your daily life: stairs instead of elevators, walking quickly, stretching throughout the day, and things like that. Then it's not a big deal. Also, find something you like to do and commit to doing it often. Sometimes people try to force themselves to work out and use equipment that they don't like, for example, like Amanda said---the treadmill. Then it's not fun and you won't do it. You will keep up something that is fun--like dancing by yourself. (Or maybe that's just me. :)