Don't ignore the signals your body is sending you.
I think this is a nice idea but it is kind of unrealistic. Obviously, we are all going to have to wake up at a certain time to be up for work or whatever. Also, sometimes we don't have access to food or water when we are hungry or thirsty. Today, though, I am going to try this out and listen to what my body is telling me. Whether or not I will be able to satisfy my needs remains to be seen.
When my body is starting to feel bad or run-down, I definitely listen. I take a day to rest and I make sure I am getting enough proper food. When I am feeling extra tired, I go to bed early. I agree with Amanda on the whole food and water thing. I try to always keep a piece of fruit with me when I go somewhere for more than a few hours, though. And I usually always have a bottle of water on me.
xx Brie
It may be easier to have the items you need near you, by planning ahead. When you go somewhere, take your own supplies. That way you are not depending on being near stores, restaurants, machines, etc.