Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 18

Size doesn't matter; it is what is on the inside that counts.

Although it sounds cliche, I think this is true.  I was just watching the movie, Dumbo (shut up), and the mouse was the hero in that film; he scared the elephants.  But coming back to the world of reality for a second, this applies in my life too.  I have always been shorter than most people; I am about five two.  I don't mind it though (I have found that really tall people have horrible posture anyway) and I don't think it can affect me in life.  Especially since most guys are taller than me and that is a requirement.

I have always been really insecure with my size. I'm 5'6" and 100 pounds. Please don't make any jokes about me being unhealthy. I go to a doctor regularly, and I eat well at every meal. I just have a tiny frame and a fast metabolism, okay? I have always thought that curvier women were the most beautiful (like Marilyn Monroe). But lately, I have come to accept my size. I can't go on any longer comparing myself to other people. Each woman is like a flower, and you cannot compare a rose to a sunflower. They are each equally beautiful in their own ways.

xx Brie

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