Stop distracting yourself from listening to the world around you.
I don't get to go outside often and I think this is true for a lot of Americans. I wouldn't exactly say I was "one with nature" (last time I was in the woods there was a nasty anthill incident) but it is nice to get fresh air and some quiet. Sometimes, I am afraid to be left with my own thoughts. I know I will harsh, anxious, and even cruel so I distract myself with music or books when I am alone. But tomorrow, I will face my fears and sit outside, in complete silence. Wish me luck!
For those of you who would like to take today's tip to the next level, here are a few pointers about meditation for beginners. A lot of times, when I tell people I meditate, they will say something along the lines of "Yeah, I tried that once, it was too hard" or "My mind will never shut up!". It really isn't as difficult as some people make it out to be. There are different ways to meditate; you don't have to sit for a long period of time with your legs crossed and your palms up. The purpose of meditation, for me at least, is to slow down and calm my mind. In this fast paced world of ours we are constantly thinking of something. First, find a quiet place to sit. Get into a comfortable position and focus on deep breathing. If you find it difficult to keep your mind still, focus on the sound around you. If you are outdoors try to pick out sounds of nature. There are also many wonderful guided meditations available online. Just try it for a few minutes a day, and with time it will become easier.
xx Brie
Even if you don't have the self-confidence that some women seem to naturally possess, you can always fake it.
Some days, I feel really self-assured, and other days I feel like wearing a paper bag on my head. Honestly, it doesn't seem to make a difference to the people around me. In my experience, "Who's That Lady?" doesn't come on when I feel confident, and people aren't more attracted to me. I do feel better when I am more self-assured throughout my day. We all know that a bad day is infinitely worse if you feel like you look awful. Like a couple of days ago when I think I got a mild concussion.
Sometimes it is very difficult to feel confident. The key is to start your day off right, as we discussed in a previous post. If you don't feel good about how you look, or what you are wearing, the time to fix that is in the morning before you start your day! Always wear something that makes you feel beautiful. If you have clothes that don't make you feel special, why did you buy them? Throughout your day, do your best not to compare yourself to others. Once you get out of that habit you will be amazed with how much better you feel. Another technique that I use sometimes is to put my favorite quotes on post its and leave them around the house. They make me smile at unexpected times during the day and keep me in the right frame of mind.
xx Brie
Work your way inside to out. If you unhappy on the inside, it will show on the outside, and if you are happy it will show! As Audrey Hepburn once said, "I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls."
Don't give up your power. No one can take it away from you unless you let them.
I promise I will stop putting up birthdays soon. September is a busy month!
One of the many lame, amazing lines in Braveheart is "They can take our lives but they will never take our freedom!" Ah, Mel Gibson, we can learn so much from you except, you know, how to be a good person. Anyway, you might feel powerless at your job, in your relationships, or your finances. Like I mentioned in a previous post, there is always a choice. Next time I am feeling powerless, I am going to stop and reevaluate. Then I am going to take back my power.
It is such a helpless feeling to have no control or power over what goes on in your life. Where you go, how you spend your time, and so on. There is a difference between being a control freak and being a doormat. Don't let other people make decisions for you. After all, you are the creator of your own destiny, and you create it daily. Diana Fletcher notes in her book that we often give up power by not voicing our opinions when opposed with prejudice. I have a lot of opinions which I do not express because I have learned through experience that people will jump down my throat without even listening to reason. It certainly is frustrating sometimes, but I have chosen to use my energy in a more productive way. I just have to pick and choose my battles, I suppose.
xx Brie
Never put off loving yourself. Even if you are working on improving yourself, love yourself right this minute.
I have been guilty of this is the past. I would love myself more if... But even if you are not at your goal weight or you are not as ____ you would like to be, love yourself for trying to improve. I feel like we have addressed this idea in earlier posts so I won't go on much longer. I feel pretty good about this one. I am on track, Diana Fletcher!
Happy Birthday, Grandpa! I know you cannot remember me very well but I also know there is a special place in you where all your memories of me are stored. Even though you cannot access it, it doesn't mean it's not there. That goes for my aunts and mom too!
I, too have been guilty of not loving myself in the past. I used to be incredibly critical of almost everything about myself. I am so happy to say that today I hardly ever say those horrible things about myself anymore. When I look in the mirror, I am at peace with where I am, and I've learned to love myself.
If you find yourself saying or thinking negative words/thoughts to yourself, stop. Instead say an affirmation out loud. Here are some of my favorites that I would like to share with you.
Everyday I am a new person.
I live in a world of appreciation, not expectation, and my relationships are harmonious and loving.
I love myself through all experiences and all is well.
In uniqueness there is no competition and no comparison.
I radiate love and light to everyone I meet.
xx Brie
A lot of women look at other women like they are their competition. In reality, they are your friends and sisters. Stop comparing yourself to others!
Here again, we are at an impasse, Diana Fletcher. I don't believe that all women are strong. I have a problem comparing myself to everybody, not just women. So there! Wait...
I mostly find myself being jealous of people in romantic relationships. It seems to come so easily to them, and of course to me it is a huge ordeal. I also often compare myself to my siblings. Being the youngest, it is easy to think "at this point in their lives, they already did this..." or something similar. I have finally stopped focusing on my faults compared to their virtues. I realize that they have flaws that I don't even have and vice versa. I am also starting to realize if I didn't have my faults, I wouldn't be me! If that happened, I am sure humanity would be completely devastated...
If humanity wasn't devastated I would be, Amanda. I used to compare myself to other girls all of the time. Then I realized that my problem wasn't that I couldn't be like those girls, my problem was that I wasn't reaching my own highest potential. I started to improve things I didn't like about myself, and it made me so much happier. I am now confident that I am the best 'me' I can be each and every day.
I am the oldest of three girls, so I don't have the problem of comparing myself to my sisters. I really look up to my grandmother and my Aunt Bethy. My Aunt Bethy is practically an older sister to me. I go to her for everything and we draw strength from each other. I think our relationship is exactly the one Diana Fletcher wrote about in her book.
xx Brie
Quit acting like other people hold the keys to who you really are. You can take what other people say into consideration, but don't let it rule you. You are the only one who knows what is going on inside your head.
Yep, have definitely had experience with this one. Yesterday, I got in a fight with my sister. She has been really emotional lately. She was really misinterpreting what I was saying (she was convinced I told her she didn't try hard enough). I know I didn't say or mean that. She also (she really wasn't herself yesterday) was saying rather cruel things about the kind of sister I was. I debated whether to write this post because she might read it. But this is Brie's and mine's blog and I am going to choose to write about my own experiences. At the end of the day, though, I was content. I didn't lose control of myself and I honestly did my best to help and be there for her. I know what I meant and it certainly wasn't anything hateful.
I understand completely, Amanda. Is is wrong of me to say that I honestly think other people are the problem? I mean, I am a very honest person. I will always tell someone the truth and say how I feel. A lot of times people get really mad when I do that, and I don't understand why. Would people rather be lied to? So, I made the decision a long time ago to continue being honest. I would rather be truthful than a liar. I don't want to be the kind of person that plays mind games with people. I think it is better to get it all out.
xx Brie
"All I can do is be me, whoever that is." - Bob Dylan
No matter what happens, it is your choice how you act and live your life. Even if others don't approve, make sure you are happy with your choices, and your conscience will be clear.
Never stop playing games. Today, color and play. You will not regret it.
You are going to love the gift I got you, Brie!
I love playing games. I always have and I am really not too picky. I love "adult" games (cards, pool, ping pong, chess, etc.) but I have also never stopped loving to pretend or play a video game. Today's assignment was to color. I obediently sat down and colored a rainbow and wrote my name using the best crayon of them all...cerulean. I had fun even though I am having a bit of a stressful day. But I didn't feel like I was engaging in a childish or immature pastime. I just felt like coloring.
Yes, it is my birthday. It was not a good day. I felt more like an adult than ever, and my family was being difficult. I'm not a big fan of board games. I like doing crafts and artsy things like that, though. My childish thing I do is dancing like an idiot in my room (so no one can be scarred by seeing my horrible dance moves). I'm sorry this post is so short, but I guess my heart just isn't in it. I feel like I wasted my birthday.
xx Brie
Make a list of your twenty most prominent traits. Decide which ones you love (*) and which ones you need to work on (*).
1. Stubborn **
2. Bookish *
3. Cultured (or at least getting there) *
4. Determined *
5. Argumentative **
6. Sarcastic **
7. Independent *
This is as far as I can get without bragging. You will find in your list that you have to do some boasting. On this blog, you are exempt from judgement
8. Brave *
9. Intelligent *
10. Tough *
11. Well-spoken *
12. Adventurous *
13. Well-traveled *
14. Shy *
15. Friendly *
16. Reserved *
17. Curious **
18. Unmateralistic *
19. Well-read *
20. Liberal *
Amanda, why did you have to list so many qualities? Now how am I going to come up with mine? :)
1. Materialistic (sometimes) *
2. Witty/sarcastic *
3. Ingelligent *
4. Freewheelin' *
5. Independent *
6. Strong/tough *
7. Loving/lovable *
8. Open minded/liberal *
9. Artistic/creative *
10. Good listener *
11. Acts/reacts quickly or on impulse **
12. Tenacious *
13. Dwells in the past *
14. Sincere *
15. Sometimes I can get grumpy/crabby *
16. Sometimes I can be harsh and act superior *
17. Lazy *
18. Sympathetic *
19. Adventurous *
20. Friendly and open *
Everyone has qualities about themselves that they love and qualities that they hate. The purpose of this list wasn't to point out your flaws, magnify them and try to make your self esteem go down. The purpose is to accept yourself, flaws and all. Maybe you will choose to change the things you don't like about yourself, and maybe you will accept that they are part of who you are and love yourself despite/because of it.
"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all." - Claire, The Breakfast Club
We are all a lot harder on ourselves than we are on our friends. Why is that? Treat yourself like you are your best friend. Be honest, be kind, and be helpful.
If I talked to a friend like I talk to myself sometimes, I wouldn't have any friends. Late at night when I am trying to get to sleep, I especially fall victim to my own, often viscious, mind. What do you change first? How you talk to yourself or how you handle certain situations so you can earn some internal praise? Recently, I have really started to like myself. I mean, not in a creepy Memoirs of Martinus Scribberlus way, but in a "I can be interesting when I want to be" way. Now, I know the recommended route is to change how you talk to yourself, but the latter worked better for me. Once I started doing these blogs, I really felt like I was accomplishing something, and growing as a person as well. I would recommend starting a project. You may not be accomplishing huge, life-changing goals but you will feel like you have a purpose, even on the worst of days.
I agree completely with Amanda's suggestion. Make yourself feel useful and you will seem more important in deserving in your own eyes. As mentioned above, you should treat yourself as you would a best friend. To start, think of qualities that you look for in a best friend. What do you love about them? In my case, I love that my best friend is hilarious, understanding, and the kindest person I know. Just thinking about her and how she treats me makes me a little bit more gentle towards myself. Also, try not to be so hard on yourself the next time you make a mistake. After all, don't they always say "You need to love yourself before you can love someone else." You would be surprised how much happier you will be if you just take more care with how you treat yoursef.
xx Brie
We are constantly looking at outside sources to blame for our unhappiness. Consider for a moment that you might be the cause of your own discontent. Being too critical on yourself can add a huge weight to your relationships. Your relationship with yourself and those with others. So don't be afraid to give yourself a break once in a while and laugh it off when you mess something up.
No one is completely helpless. Saying you are helpless is an excuse, and nothing else.
There is a great book by Michael Crichton called Sphere. I haven't read it in a couple years but there has been one part that I always remembered. The main character Norman is trapped in a tiny room that is slowly filling with water. He thinks he is going to die, and then he remembers what one of his professors once told him. There is always a choice. I know this is fictitious but if a man who has a 90% chance of drowning can choose a different path, I think I can choose to do a few things in my life differently. Today, I chose to play hooky. It was fantastic! I got more work done than I would have if I went, I watched a delightful musical comedy, and spent time with my mom. Now, I know I can't skip every day, but it was a wonderful feeling to know that when I was there, it was my choice. It always makes being at that hellhole so much better.
Basically what I got from todays entry in our book was to take responsibility for my actions. If I do not like something about my life, I should change it. My own happiness is in my hands, therefore, I make myself happy on purpose. :)
Things that I take charge of
1. How I express myself creatively (here, no one has the authority to tell me what I am doing isn't good enough or that it is stupid or meaningless)
2. My free time (what's left of it; I realize I have no obligation to anyone but myself and that I can spend my own time as I please)
Here is one of my favourite quotes that always inspires me
"Who am I? I am a poet. My business? Writing. How do I live? I live. In my happy poverty I squander like a prince, my poems and songs of love. In hopes and dreams and castles-in-air, I'm a millionaire in spirit." - Rodolfo, "La Boheme"
xx Brie
So to reiterate what today's post was all about we will leave you with some questions and thoughts to apply to your own life. Are you unhappy? If so, are you purposely making yourself that way for one reason or another? If this is the case, do a little bit of introspection. What do you think is happening in your mind that is making you act as a martyr? Lastly, we would love to hear from you. How do you take control in your life?
Sometimes it seems like other people are superheroes. We see people working out every day and it immediately becomes "they must be different than me." The author points out that maybe they are just making better decisions than you are. Take responsibility for what you do or do not do.
When I read this section, I felt like the page was talking directly to me. I see people every day who are outgoing or in happy romantic relationships (definitely not something I excel at) and I think to myself "well, they are just wired differently." I think that is partly true. Some people enjoy attention more than others. But there is a chance that these people are making a conscious effort to stand out because they know that they will have a better time if they are more involved. So my happy action today isn't necessarily to be the center of attention now. It is to acknowledge that I am choosing not to be.
Wow. I love Amanda's last statement. Lately, I have been trying to manage my time in a way that my work doesn't seem as overwhelming to me. It is either not working or it seems like I have more work than usual. It may seem odd for me to say this, but I never look at other people and feel jealous of what they have. I know that I am in control of my life, and the decisions I make are what shape what my life becomes. I like to think I have a lot of will power. Amanda and I once fasted for thirty hours to get a little feel for what it is like to be one of the many people in the world who go hungry every day. So that was a test to my will power. I would say that we did quite well. Though we got very moody halfway through. :)
xx Brie
If you are envious of someone's life, try to observe what they are doing differently from you. Do you ever sit on the sidelines and wish you were part of the action? Find the courage inside of you to participate, if just a little bit.
"You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you." -Bob Dylan
Some of us don't want what others have. We are happy with our own choices and realize that what is best for some is not always best for us.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain
Surround yourself with objects and people that inspire you.
I LOVE my bedroom. I got posters of favorite movies, animals, and books. I have a lot of my goals on my bulletin board. I have stacks and stacks of books. It is the perfect blend of escapes and my future. I think this is the balance that everyone needs in their lives. No one part is too overwhelming so I rarely get stressed in that room. One particular object that inspires me is the music box my grandmother gave me. I know this is a cliche but it is such a great combination of elegance and the past. It is really beautiful and it always calms me down.
I would have to say that my bedroom is my escape as well. Up on one of my dressers I have my Siddhartha statue surrounded by candles, incense, and bamboo. I have my vanity which doubles for a desk that has pictures on it of things I love. On my walls I have taped up quotes that inspire me. I also have some beautiful black and white pictures of Paris that give the room a feel of serenity while also a wonderful energy. I like to keep most of my clutter in my closet, because if it is out in the open, I find that I am more stressed.
xx Brie
What is your favorite room of your house? Do you find that a certain colour scheme is more calming and soothing to you than others? It is important to have a space we can call our own and that we can escape to. This space can give us a place to re-energize ourselves from our hectic lives.
Today is about recognizing when you are depressed. One of the surest signs of this is obsessing.
The word obsession has such a negative connotation. I have been told that I am obsessed with books, movies, and recently, blogs. People throw that word around all the time. To me, obsession is dark, uncontrollable, and scary. If you are obsessed by that definition, you do have a problem. Depression runs in my family, so it really has never been a big deal to me. If you suffer from it there is medication you can take. If you choose not do anything about it, the people around you suffer from it as well (I am talking from personal experience here). To me, it is a condition just like a broken leg or a headache. Take care of it then move on.
Depression is such a serious problem that is taken way too lightly. How many commercials are there on television that try to sell you depression medication? Because we hear about it so much, we are more likely as a society to think depression is less of an issue than it actually it. Depression, I'm sure I don't need to tell you, can lead to suicide and can make others around you depressed as well. If you realize someone around you is suffering from this, make sure they are eating right and exercising. If this doesn't help talk to them about it. The next step of action would be medication as prescribed by a doctor. When I am feeling very unhappy I like to make a list of things that make me happy and then do them.
xx Brie
If you or someone you know is obsessing over something, continue to observe their actions to figure out if they are depressed. Early detection can save someone a lot of trouble and misery.
If you eat healthily, you will not only look better but you will feel better!
Talk about nutrition and eating healthily has always annoyed me. If people want to be healthy, they will eat healthily. If they don't, quit bugging them!
That being said, I could eat better. I am a vegetarian so I rarely eat greasy or fatty foods. I don't drink enough water and I need to eat more fruit. I take full responsiblity for this; I hear a lot of people complain about America but that is bullshit.
So today, I am going to drink three large glasses of water. I know you are supposed to drink eight but shut it. This is my happy action.:)
Nutrition is one of my biggest interests. I have read widely on different nutritional plans and experimented with what works for me. I am a vegetarian as well, and I can tell a huge difference in the way I feel since I stopped eating meat. I have so much more energy and my body feels so much healthier and lighter. I think Amanda is refering to me when she mentioned people complaining about America being fat. I just think this country consumes way too much processed food. That kind of food is full of chemicals and does not sit right with your body. The body is not naturally programmed to work with food like that.
My nutritional tips would be as follows
1. For each of your three meals a day, make half of each meal a fruit or vegetable
2. Cut back or stop eating processed and junk foods
3. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Feel free to substitute some of those with a cup of herbal tea (no artificial sweeteners please).
xx Brie
Most people don't know how badly their nutrition is until they begin to eat more healthful foods. Just give it a try! Your energy level will soar and your body will thank you.
Knowing how to defend yourself when you are in a dangerous situation is very important. You should make sure that you and the people around you know what to do in an emergency.
I read a book once called The Gift of Fear. Mostly, I regretted reading it. It had good information if you had never really thought about danger before, but I seem to weekly disturb myself by watching the news or reading the paper. This book, for me at least, just put some faces to the disgusting events, and I wish some of the images would get out of mind. If you never really have thought about what to do, here are the highlights from the book:
1. Potential rapists will used forced teamship (i.e. "we really got ourselves in a mess here" if you drop your groceries)
2. Never "prove" anything to them (i.e. "are you too proud to let me help you?")
3. Don't be embarrassed to be too careful. In the long run, you won't regret it.
4. If you think someone is following you, don't glance quickly behind your shoulder. Make sure you are in public, then turn completely around, and stare.
5. When you are in a parking garage alone (try not to be) hold your keys out. They can be a weapon (which would help the police id the bastard) and they will quicken your speed for getting in the car.
It is a scary thing to be out on your own, with no one there to assure you that everything is all right. It is so dangerous for women to be out on the streets alone, especially at night. But I don't need to tell you this. The thing I have always struggled with, personally, is how to balance being an independent woman and being properly cautious. Am I being too paranoid and missing out on something? Or am I being reckless just for the sake of proving to myself that I can am fine alone? The one thing I will always do when I go out is make sure I am with somebody (if it is during the evening or night time) or make sure somebody knows where I am and can be contacted at all times. Prevention is always the best defense. Amanda has some great tips. :)
xx Brie
The threat of rapists and street violence is frightening to say the least. The best thing we can do is be prepared. Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were attacked or abducted? If so, what would your plan of action be?
The way your day starts always has a great influence on the rest of your day. Try to wake up with enough time to get ready without rushing to have a calm, efficient start to your day.
There is this one line from the movie Hitch that I have always remembered: "Start every day as though it was on purpose." For some reason whenever I have a rushed morning, it becomes some sort of mystical omen that my day is going to be bad. Soon every little thing just seems to fuel my bad mood. For instance, on a day when I had a relaxing morning and someone honks at me, I wonder why they are in such a bad mood (notice in each scernario I am never doing anything wrong). When I have a had rough morning and am tired and someone honks at me, suddenly humanity is out to get me. Now of course, I should change my way of thinking, but in my experience, a good morning can make all the difference. So tonight, I am going to pick out an outfit ahead of time and pack a lunch. Too bad I still have to get up early...
I completely agree with what Amanda has said about having a hectic morning can lead to a stressful day. I love to start my day off with a nice hot beverage (usually coffee), and take my time to drink it. There is something theraputic about taking the time to enjoy the warmth of the coffee that really makes me feel that I am taking care of myself. Another way I start my day off on a positive note is to pick out an outfit that makes me feel really good about myself. I also love to put on my favorite music and dance around to it. This just makes me so happy in the mornings and sets a positive tone to my day. Also, whenever I am able to see the sun rise and fill the sky with those beautiful colors, my whole day just seems so much better.
xx Brie
If you find yourself going through a rough patch, evaluate: are you getting off to a bad start in the morning? If so, maybe you could try out some of the things that we find helpful. Or talk to your friends for some tips on how to start your day on the right foot.
Today was all about deciding what you want and deciding what you don't want. To start, you should make a list of your priorities.
This blog is really hard for me to write. I felt like I should be imparting wisdom from these messages, but I really don't know shit. I will try harder to tomorrow; I feel like I have been beaten down today. I know how I have dealt with very specific situations but I was never someone to be full of proverbs and maxims. Even now, I am struggling for my next sentence. I think I will start waiting until Brie writes her so I can go off it. Anyway...
My Priorties
1. My family and friends
2. My hobbies
3. My future
Deciding on my priorities has always been something I have struggled with. I am happy to say that I have gotten better at deciding what really matters in my life. A lot of times our passions and desires can cloud our judgement in regards to what is actually beneficial and important to us. A big part of getting older is making more and more decisions that become increasingly important. The path we take could decide our future.
For the longest time I was concerned with what other people thought about me and my looks. It was like I was dressing for them and not for me. Now I am proud to say that my priority is no longer pleasing other people, but myself. Today I got my hair cut really short. This took a lot of guts on my part. This hair cut is a result of me deciding that my number one priority is my own happiness and satisfaction. I no longer care what other people think of how I look, because when it comes down to it I have to live with my choices.
My priorities
1. Happiness - this includes making the right choices that will ensure for a happy future, and doing things I love
2. Friends and family
3. Helping others
Realize you are responsible for your life. The decisons, the choices you make are yours.
Having your priorities in order is one of the key steps to true, lasting happiness. Try making a list of your priorities and pursue it. Happiness is right around the corner.
Today's message focused on women being strong warriors. The happy action dictates that you should make a list of your own accomplishments, however trivial they may seem.
Not to start this blog off on a sour note, but I do kind of resent the notion that all women are warriors. They are not. I have met weak women and I have met strong women. Just like there are weak men and strong men. I guess I just hate generalities. They put you on the path to sexism, racism, and overall prejudice. Diana Fletcher, the author, might have meant that we could be strong if we wanted to, but that is my interpretation of it.
My Accomplishments
1. Finished a decade in my movie blog
2. Finished the pre 1700s in my book blog
3. Managed to have a positive attitude about my sister leaving.
4. Overcame (at least a little bit) my fear of talking in front of people
5. Had articles published in a newspaper
I completely agree with Amanda that not all women are warriors, but we all have the power inside of us to be strong, independent people. Some of us just have easier times than others with accessing it.
When I think of women warriors, my mind goes to women such as Audrey Hepburn who, after a successful film career, two divorces, and many miscarriages, focused her efforts on helping as many children around the world as possible. She did this by working closely with UNICEF. To this day one of the things she is known most for is her work with UNICEF and her dedication to raising awareness about the conditions others live with every day. Such selflessness makes her a true woman warrior to me.
My Accomplishments
1. Helped my aunt through a divorce
2. Inspired young children
3. Made people smile/brightened someone's day
4. Became more confident with myself and my ability to communicate my feelings to others
xx Brie
Make a list of your own accomplishments. What are you proud of? Remember, no task is too small to list. What qualities do you think a woman warrior has? Take a moment and analyze. You can probably name many women warriors in your own life.
"A woman is like a teabag. You don't know how strong she is until you put her in hot water." -Nancy Reagan
We recently came across a life-changing book titled Happy on Purpose. This book gives readers daily advice on how to live happier, fuller lives. We will be updating this blog daily with a thought or intention to approach your day with. You will be hearing from two different voices which may lead in two different directions.
I am an atheist and have been from a very young age. I find my day-to-day tasks tedious, stressful, and altogether unenjoyable. I hope this blog will enable me to enjoy life more and put an end to temporary happiness.
As a recent convert to Japanese Zen Buddhism, I find myself constantly looking for new ways to live my life in the present moment and inspiration to truly enjoy the wherever it is I am at the moment. Through this blog I hope to inspire other women to face their daily vices such as loneliness, lack of meaning, and desperation. I will also include Zen sayings and stories I find helpful from time to time.
xx Brie
We look forward to sharing these daily messages with you and encourage everyone to leave comments as to further enhance the overall experience.
"It is the choices you make today that are creating your future." - Shad Helmstetter