Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13

Today's message focused on women being strong warriors.  The happy action dictates that you should make a list of your own accomplishments, however trivial they may seem.

Not to start this blog off on a sour note, but I do kind of resent the notion that all women are warriors.  They are not.  I have met weak women and I have met strong women.  Just like there are weak men and strong men.  I guess I just hate generalities.  They put you on the path to sexism, racism, and overall prejudice.  Diana Fletcher, the author, might have meant that we could be strong if we wanted to, but that is my interpretation of it.

My Accomplishments
1. Finished a decade in my movie blog
2. Finished the pre 1700s in my book blog
3. Managed to have a positive attitude about my sister leaving.
4. Overcame (at least a little bit) my fear of talking in front of people
5. Had articles published in a newspaper


I completely agree with Amanda that not all women are warriors, but we all have the power inside of us to be strong, independent people. Some of us just have easier times than others with accessing it.

When I think of women warriors, my mind goes to women such as Audrey Hepburn who, after a successful film career, two divorces, and many miscarriages, focused her efforts on helping as many children around the world as possible. She did this by working closely with UNICEF. To this day one of the things she is known most for is her work with UNICEF and her dedication to raising awareness about the conditions others live with every day. Such selflessness makes her a true woman warrior to me.

My Accomplishments
1. Helped my aunt through a divorce
2. Inspired young children
3. Made people smile/brightened someone's day
4. Became more confident with myself and my ability to communicate my feelings to others

xx Brie

Make a list of your own accomplishments. What are you proud of? Remember, no task is too small to list. What qualities do you think a woman warrior has? Take a moment and analyze. You can probably name many women warriors in your own life.

"A woman is like a teabag. You don't know how strong she is until you put her in hot water." -Nancy Reagan

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