There is this one line from the movie Hitch that I have always remembered: "Start every day as though it was on purpose." For some reason whenever I have a rushed morning, it becomes some sort of mystical omen that my day is going to be bad. Soon every little thing just seems to fuel my bad mood. For instance, on a day when I had a relaxing morning and someone honks at me, I wonder why they are in such a bad mood (notice in each scernario I am never doing anything wrong). When I have a had rough morning and am tired and someone honks at me, suddenly humanity is out to get me. Now of course, I should change my way of thinking, but in my experience, a good morning can make all the difference. So tonight, I am going to pick out an outfit ahead of time and pack a lunch. Too bad I still have to get up early...
I completely agree with what Amanda has said about having a hectic morning can lead to a stressful day. I love to start my day off with a nice hot beverage (usually coffee), and take my time to drink it. There is something theraputic about taking the time to enjoy the warmth of the coffee that really makes me feel that I am taking care of myself. Another way I start my day off on a positive note is to pick out an outfit that makes me feel really good about myself. I also love to put on my favorite music and dance around to it. This just makes me so happy in the mornings and sets a positive tone to my day. Also, whenever I am able to see the sun rise and fill the sky with those beautiful colors, my whole day just seems so much better.
xx Brie
If you find yourself going through a rough patch, evaluate: are you getting off to a bad start in the morning? If so, maybe you could try out some of the things that we find helpful. Or talk to your friends for some tips on how to start your day on the right foot.

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