I don't get to go outside often and I think this is true for a lot of Americans. I wouldn't exactly say I was "one with nature" (last time I was in the woods there was a nasty anthill incident) but it is nice to get fresh air and some quiet. Sometimes, I am afraid to be left with my own thoughts. I know I will harsh, anxious, and even cruel so I distract myself with music or books when I am alone. But tomorrow, I will face my fears and sit outside, in complete silence. Wish me luck!
For those of you who would like to take today's tip to the next level, here are a few pointers about meditation for beginners. A lot of times, when I tell people I meditate, they will say something along the lines of "Yeah, I tried that once, it was too hard" or "My mind will never shut up!". It really isn't as difficult as some people make it out to be. There are different ways to meditate; you don't have to sit for a long period of time with your legs crossed and your palms up. The purpose of meditation, for me at least, is to slow down and calm my mind. In this fast paced world of ours we are constantly thinking of something. First, find a quiet place to sit. Get into a comfortable position and focus on deep breathing. If you find it difficult to keep your mind still, focus on the sound around you. If you are outdoors try to pick out sounds of nature. There are also many wonderful guided meditations available online. Just try it for a few minutes a day, and with time it will become easier.
xx Brie

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