Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14

Today was all about deciding what you want and deciding what you don't want.  To start, you should make a list of your priorities.

This blog is really hard for me to write.  I felt like I should be imparting wisdom from these messages, but I really don't know shit.  I will try harder to tomorrow; I feel like I have been beaten down today.  I know how I have dealt with very specific situations but I was never someone to be full of proverbs and maxims.  Even now, I am struggling for my next sentence.  I think I will start waiting until Brie writes her so I can go off it.  Anyway...

My Priorties
1. My family and friends
2. My hobbies
3. My future

Deciding on my priorities has always been something I have struggled with. I am happy to say that I have gotten better at deciding what really matters in my life. A lot of times our passions and desires can cloud our judgement in regards to what is actually beneficial and important to us. A big part of getting older is making more and more decisions that become increasingly important. The path we take could decide our future.

 For the longest time I was concerned with what other people thought about me and my looks. It was like I was dressing for them and not for me. Now I am proud to say that my priority is no longer pleasing other people, but myself. Today I got my hair cut really short. This took a lot of guts on my part. This hair cut is a result of me deciding that my number one priority is my own happiness and satisfaction. I no longer care what other people think of how I look, because when it comes down to it I have to live with my choices.

My priorities
1. Happiness - this includes making the right choices that will ensure for a happy future, and doing things I love
2. Friends and family
3. Helping others

Realize you are responsible for your life. The decisons, the choices you make are yours.

Having your priorities in order is one of the key steps to true, lasting happiness. Try making a list of your priorities and pursue it. Happiness is right around the corner.

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