A lot of women look at other women like they are their competition. In reality, they are your friends and sisters. Stop comparing yourself to others!
Here again, we are at an impasse, Diana Fletcher. I don't believe that all women are strong. I have a problem comparing myself to everybody, not just women. So there! Wait...
I mostly find myself being jealous of people in romantic relationships. It seems to come so easily to them, and of course to me it is a huge ordeal. I also often compare myself to my siblings. Being the youngest, it is easy to think "at this point in their lives, they already did this..." or something similar. I have finally stopped focusing on my faults compared to their virtues. I realize that they have flaws that I don't even have and vice versa. I am also starting to realize if I didn't have my faults, I wouldn't be me! If that happened, I am sure humanity would be completely devastated...
If humanity wasn't devastated I would be, Amanda. I used to compare myself to other girls all of the time. Then I realized that my problem wasn't that I couldn't be like those girls, my problem was that I wasn't reaching my own highest potential. I started to improve things I didn't like about myself, and it made me so much happier. I am now confident that I am the best 'me' I can be each and every day.
I am the oldest of three girls, so I don't have the problem of comparing myself to my sisters. I really look up to my grandmother and my Aunt Bethy. My Aunt Bethy is practically an older sister to me. I go to her for everything and we draw strength from each other. I think our relationship is exactly the one Diana Fletcher wrote about in her book.
xx Brie
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