Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Never put off loving yourself.  Even if you are working on improving yourself, love yourself right this minute.

I have been guilty of this is the past.  I would love myself more if...  But even if you are not at your goal weight or you are not as ____ you would like to be, love yourself for trying to improve.  I feel like we have addressed this idea in earlier posts so I won't go on much longer.  I feel pretty good about this one.  I am on track, Diana Fletcher!
Happy Birthday, Grandpa!  I know you cannot remember me very well but I also know there is a special place in you where all your memories of me are stored.  Even though you cannot access it, it doesn't mean it's not there.  That goes for my aunts and mom too!

I, too have been guilty of not loving myself in the past. I used to be incredibly critical of almost everything about myself. I am so happy to say that today I hardly ever say those horrible things about myself anymore. When I look in the mirror, I am at peace with where I am, and I've learned to love myself.

If you find yourself saying or thinking negative words/thoughts to yourself, stop. Instead say an affirmation out loud. Here are some of my favorites that I would like to share with you.

Everyday I am a new person.
I live in a world of appreciation, not expectation, and my relationships are harmonious and loving.
I love myself through all experiences and all is well.
In uniqueness there is no competition and no comparison.
I radiate love and light to everyone I meet.

xx Brie

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