Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21

Be nice to someone for no reason today.  Open the door for a random person, smile at someone, and be kind when you are driving.  Your reward doesn't have to be their thanks; just know that you made a difference in someone's life (even if it is in a tiny way).

This one was hard to remember to do.  I always hold open the door for other people and surprisingly enough, a lot of people do the same.  I did forget to smile at a random person, but I can do that tomorrow.  I have to practice not doing it in a really creepy way.  Finally, I am one of those people who considers it a personal affront to my mother if someone so much as tries to merge in my lane (I think I inherit that from my grandfather: "I could be driving in the Sahara Desert as midnight and I would still get stuck behind all the trucks").  Still, I tried to be as forgiving and kind as I could be.  I also did a bit of charity work today so I have that going for me.
Brie: I am so happy for you!!!!

I constantly have a smile on my face. I've been told that I have a 'Mona Lisa' smile. So I don't have a problem with smiling at people. I am naturally a very friendly person, so I think I make small differences in peoples lives daily. My life has been going so well lately that I have been in an even better mood than normal. I like to call my Grandma and my Aunt as much as I can to remind them that I care about what goes on in their lives and that I am genuinely interested. It's the little things in life... :)

xx Brie

Thanks, girlie! :)

"Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. Share your wisdom. Radiate love." - Wilferd Peterson

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