Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4

Are you getting anything out of the anger or resentment you are holding on to?  If not, let it go.

I am really sleepy right now and I just want to crawl into my bed with Captain Blood.  But your tireless blogger will power through.  So today, I decided to let go of something really rude that a woman said to me yesterday.  I am inadvertently rude and sarcastic half the time, so why not just forget about it?  Except today she was really racist.  The point is, though, that I let go of the initial meanness!  I am proud of that.  However, that degree of racism is never accidental, so I am not going to forgive on that point.  You are ruining my Happy on Purpose moment, lady!

Ugh. I know who Amanda is talking about, and let me tell you, she is no walk in the park. I just make myself sick over resentment towards people. And I obviously cannot travel back in time to redo an awkward moment, so I will just have to do the next best thing and forget about it.
My grandma gave me some really good advice today. She told me that I was "just as good as anyone else". Now, I know that seems really obvious, but when I am around, say, a crush, my self confidence and self worth can go down. I tend to place people that I like in that way on a pedestal of sorts. I need to remind myself that they are human, even if if doesn't seem like it. Next time that happens I am just going to say that to myself.

xx Brie

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