Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14

Fall in love with yourself. Act accordingly.

Ugh.  Valentine's Day.  I find that the pain of being single outweighs the joy couples feel on this day.  I think that really sucks.  When I have spent Valentine's Day alone, I try to make it a non issue.  I always try to say to myself that this holiday simply does not apply to me (like Chinese New Year or Hanukkah) and then move on.  Of course, this is always exceedingly difficult.  I was upset today but then a really great friend of mine brought me daisies and then we ate ice cream and watched Heroes.  I also plan on eating chocolate later and getting in my pajamas early.  So maybe not too bad of a day.
P.S. As far as loving yourself goes, I am pretty content with who I am.  I think this is really good advice, though, especially today.

Ah! Valentine's Day! (See how I am the opposite of Amanda's post?) I am a part of a couple currently, and things could not be going any better. He surprised me with little things throughout the day. First it was a book of poetry by his favorite Romantic poet, and then it was dark chocolate (my favorite!). When I got home, I was surprised by the delivery of red roses (ah!). I think loving someone else requires loving yourself. If I am right about this, I love myself very much. I've been pretty good with embracing and loving myself lately. I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day.

xx Brie

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