Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16

Women often worry about ending up alone.  Build a life of loving yourself and your decisions.  Do wait for anyone.

"But, O, how bitter a thing it is to look at happiness through another man's eyes!"  This is one of the many quotes by Shakespeare that has always rung true for me.  I think that half the battle is to be happy with yourself, like Diana Fletcher said.  But I think the other half is not being jealous of people around you.  This is a very timely message because single people just had to endure couples being so darn cute on Valentine's Day.  It is extremely difficult to not be envious of couples around you, especially when you are constantly surrounded by books, movies, poems, songs, and people all telling you how wonderful love is.  I mean, we get it, it is great, we don't have it, can we move on?  I try to be patient, proud, and elegant if I feel jealousy.  It is much more attractive than this:

I always found it easier to sympathize with them:).
I never worried about ending up alone when I was single. I have an amazing group of friends, and my family is very close and supportive. Now that I'm part of a couple, I'm worried about it. I don't know it if is the idea of ending up alone, or if it is the idea of losing my boyfriend. I absolutely love myself, and I accept myself for who I am. I am generally happy with my decisions, and for the most part, the people around me are supportive. Even though I would be devestated to lose my boyfriend, I would never let him hold me back. That hasn't become a problem, though, because we are very supportive of each other and encourage each other to pursue our dreams. I know that relationships sometimes change, but for now that's how things are, and I am very happy.

xx Brie

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