Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 18

Write a list of things that you are constantly saying yes to when you mean no.  Remember by saying no something, you are saying yes to something else.

Okay, so I am changing this a bit.  I am going to write a list of questions that I rarely answer honestly, whether I really mean "yes" or "no".
1. Are you okay/ (I mean no, I say yes)
2. If a friend of mine says something like "Am I being too_____?" even if it is what I am thinking (I say no, I mean yes)
3. Are you fine with me_____? (I say yes, I mean no)
Next time these things happen, I promise I will say "NO!!!!!!" or "YES!!!!!!" when I mean it.

I completely agree with number one, Amanda. I almost always play it off when I'm upset and deny that anything is wrong. I need to be more honest with people and tell them when something is bothering me. I need to find a nice middle ground between being rude and being a doormat.

xx Brie

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