If financial issues are stressing you out, come up with a plan so they aren't a constant source of worry.
Diana Fletcher suggests that we keep track of our spending for a week, then evaluate to see if we can eliminate or change anything to make ourselves worry less. I think this is a wonderful idea, because in today's world where almost everyone has credit cards, we can sometimes spend a lot more than we intend to, just because it is easier to hand someone a plastic card rather than actual money. I'd like to think that I am pretty good with money, but I do spend more than I'd like to on non-essentials. Overall, though, I am pretty responsible. I know this is a total cliche, but money really doesn't buy happiness. Don't let it stress you out too much.
xx Brie
I am sorry that I have not updated this in awhile, but I have been in a little bit of a slump so I didn't feel like writing a blog on how to be happy. But I am back and will now be updating it daily.
I am really good with money, probably because I hate shopping. The only stuff that I spend more than I intend to is books and movies. My financial situation is pretty good and one that does not stress me out too much.
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