Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31

You choose how to react to a situation.  Remember, you want to be happy.  You will probably not be happy if you obsess over or react rudely to something someone says.  Say "I forgive you" immediately in your head after someone says something awful and move on.

Yeah, yeah.  Great advice, Di! Top notch!

Anyway, I want to talk about Halloween.  I love Halloween!  I dressed up like Arthur Dent from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy today.  I also am eating indecent amounts of candy and watching absurd horror movies.  I am going over a friend's house so I can pass out candy and feel good about myself for talking to kids for five seconds.  I actually think the message is very good today and am going to try out the forgiveness thought first chance I get.  However, I actually have my own advice today.  Completely get into holidays.  Halloween doesn't just have to be for kids and Valentine's Day isn't just for lovers.  It is really fun to get involved, even if you just do something fun by yourself.

Forgiveness is good. (I just said that out loud to myself.) There is someone I need to forgive in my life right now. I also need to forgive myself to putting so much pressure on myself. (I know there are two 'myself's in that sentence, but I didn't know how else to phrase it.) I really like Amanda's advice. I wish I had more of a chance to get into Halloween today. I did dress up as Edie Sedgwick, though! I kind of do that on a daily basis, so when I was in my costume, someone asked me, "when are you going to get changed?" Yeah. That made me want to ask them, "Why are you the way you are?" I am continuously chanting to myself every day "happy on purpose, happy on purpose" because I tend to blame others for my unhappiness. But then I remind myself that the whole point of doing this blog is to take responsibility for my own happiness. It's a work in progress.

xx Brie

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 30

Don't define people by one act.  Think about all the stupid things you have said or did that hurt other people.  You wouldn't want to be remembered for that one event.  Don't hold grudges for one thing someone did.  DISCLAIMER: This does not apply to abusive boyfriends, terrorists, Hitler, Stalin, serial killers, Mel Gibson, etc.

I have a hard time with this one.  Sometimes, I have a bad experience with someone, and then run into them five years later.  All I know or remember about the person is what an ass she/he was.  But I want to be forgiven for all the stupid shit I ever did, so I will forgive the various jerks I have come across in my life.
Now here are some links to make Brie feel better after the epic disaster last night:

I completely agree with Amanda. I want people to forgive my mistakes, so I will do my best to look past the terrible things that people have done to me. I am personally trying to overcome something right now, as mentioned above, so it might be a while before I am past it. Ugh. I can't catch a break. Thank you for those links, Amanda! I love you!!!

xx Brie

Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 29

Instead of constantly reminiscing about happy memories of the past, reflect on everything in your life that makes you happy right now.

1. I have a special, unique relationship with each member of my family.
2. I have great friends that provide support and humor in my life.
3. I have four different blogs that I love writing.
4. There is beautiful snow outside.
5. I am healthy.

1. I honestly have the best friends in the entire world! I know I said that last post, but every time I see them they give me another reason to love them.
2. Great music makes me really, really happy.
3. I feel very healthy and energetic.
4. My Aunt feels more like my big sister.
5. I try to find humor in every situation, so I am constantly laughing.

I'm sorry, I think I might revisit this post in a few days. I am going through a really sad time right now, and it is hard for me to focus on things that make me happy.

xx Brie

October 28

Make a list of what you truly believe.  Make sure the views are your own, not of those around you.

1. I am an atheist.
2. I am liberal.
3. I believe in true love.
4. I believe that everyone is equal, regardless of sexual orientation or race.
5. I am a Socialist.
6. I am a vegetarian.
7. I believe that trigonometry is truly impossible.
8. I believe in friendship and the idea that people are naturally altruistic.
9. I also believe that no one should get mad about other people's beliefs in the comments section.
10. I believe that we should seek truth, beauty, and freedom rather than comfort and routine.

1. I believe in the teachings of the Buddha.
2. I am liberal.
3. I believe that the only thing I need to be happy is love.
4. I believe that all beings on Earth are equal and deserve to be treated with kindness. (In other words, I am a vegetarian as well.)
5. I believe that I have the best friends in the world.
6. I believe that "some people feel the rain, others just get wet."
7. I believe in making my own rules.
8. I believe in respecting everyone, no matter what they believe.
9. I believe that violence is never the answer.
10. I believe in nonconformity and spontaneous creativity.

xx Brie

P.S. I second Amanda's #7 & 9.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27

You have the choice to let go of resentments.  Each time you think of your regrets, say to yourself "oh, I chose to let go of that."  Eventually, you will.

Today I was walking in the cold and the rain.  Then, a brilliant idea occurred to me.  It would be faster to climb up the muddy, steep, slippery hill!  Not surprisingly, a second before I would have completed my conquest of said hill, I windmilled and fell down, getting covered in mud along the way.  It was completely mortifying but you know what?  I felt good about it for two reasons:
1. I threw myself into that fall.  I mean, I really got into it. I didn't catch myself, I didn't "kind of" slip.  I fell.  And went flying.  It was satisfying to just completely wipe out.
2. Embarrassment is the only emotion I felt there.  I didn't feel ashamed or guilty.  Just pure embarrassment.  It was refreshing.
So I really don't have any regrets about the day.  I mean, it would have been nice if I hadn't fallen but I didn't do anything wrong.  Being free of regrets is certainly one of the best feelings.

Regret is the worst feeling I have ever experienced. I couldn't tell you how many hours I've spent stressing and worrying myself sick about things that I regret. I absolutely love today's post, because my life right now is about taking risks and living for my happiness right this moment and not concerning myself too much with the 'long term' things. None of us can predict the future, so there's no sense worrying about it all that much. All my life I have used my good sense and my brain to make decisions. I think it's about time to let my heart and my intuition take control.

xx Brie

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26

Preparation is the key to less regret.  If you are prepared before you speak to someone, you are less likely to regret what you say.  If you are prepared before a presentation, you are less likely to screw up.

Regret can be crushing and depressing.  For instance, I am watching Magnolia and cannot express how unfortunate this decision was.  I also, of course, have made horrifying decisions (though watching Tom Cruise do a back flip was pretty awful) that will stick with me for the rest of my life.  There are somethings that I will have to carry around with me.  I prefer to keep my load as light as possible.  I also manage to be mean and sarcastic when I am around people I am uncomfortable with (the perfect way to make new friends, right?).  If I would prep before such discourses things would be a lot less uncomfortable.  Like this Saturday.

I do my best to prepare for situations I know are coming. Most of the time they do not turn out at all like I imagined they would. But that's okay, because the time I spent preparing for what I thought would happen gave me confidence and made me think through all of the possible scenarios. I know it is good to play things by ear sometimes, but if I have my responses prepared, I will inevitably embarass myself less. I am trying to institute this new motto: There's no sense in worrying, it will happen differently anyways.

xx Brie

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25

When you find yourself obsessing over a problem, write it all down.  You can keep the paper or throw it away.

I disagree with this post.  Let me rephrase that, this message does not work at all for me.  I constantly obsess over problems so much that the idea of writing it all down is exhausting.  Some days, the idea of answering the question "how was your day?" is exhausting.  I feel like by the end of the day, I have given the problem enough attention.  This is when I like to get my mind of things.  I have been feeling sad lately and it has been all I can think about. So I am through giving the negative thoughts attention.  Instead, I am going to do things I enjoy doing.  For instance, I am watching Heartburn (which has Jack Nicholson and Kevin Spacey; OMG), drinking Diet Dr. Pepper, and puttering around, doing work.  This method, however, may work for you, and if it does, I wish you well!

I do this sometimes, but I always throw my paper away. Seeing my feelings on paper can help me get perspective. Similarly, the whole process of figuring out how to put my feelings into words really helps me sort through the emotions I am going through. I find that once I write what I am going through down on paper, it doesn't seem like such a big deal anymore. I never keep a diary of these things I write; revisiting those feelings never helps. Dwelling on past feelings isn't usually a healthy behavior.

xx Brie

P.S. Amanda, stop drinking Diet! It has even more harmful chemicals than non-diet soda pop!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24

Bad decisions can leave us feeling guilty and ashamed.  Instead of obsessing over the humiliation, examine the decision.  Learn from it, then forgive yourself.

I have a really hard time getting over my embarrassment and shame.  I just obsess about it until it becomes the only thing I can think of.  I also have a problem with the forgiveness and the learning from it.  To sum up, I have trouble with this entire message (and getting to the point apparently).  I do find that detaching myself from the situation helps.  For instance, if something embarrassing happens, I pretend that a friend made the mistake.  I, of course, immediately would have forgiven them and I would have been rational about the magnitude of the situation.  Also, if something mildly embarrassing happened to a friend, you would forget about it quite easily.

I, like many females, obsess over the smallest, most insignificant details. Sometimes, I will have a conversation with someone that goes really well, and my first reaction after saying goodbye to that person is to analyze the situation and try to gage their reactions. I always find something wrong with some tiny little thing I did. I can really take this to the extreme, so obviously I need to stop that. During conversations I am so confident and friendly, but afterwards my confidence is suddenly gone. I will always worry about what the other person thought of me. This clearly means that I have issues with my own self-confidence and that I have some insecurity issues. I'm really working on it, though. To give myself perspective on these embarassing situations, I picture myself a year into the future. If I wouldn't be worried about it in the future, why would I worry about it now?

xx Brie

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Step out of your comfort zone and see what happens.  Something great might come out of it.

The phrase "stepping out of my comfort zone" has always made me nervous.  I remember my sixth grade social studies used this clause on the first day of school.  She then proceeded to make us all do something completely humilating in order to...feel good about ourselves?  My task was to hop around the room like a bunny while everyone watched.  The only thing I wanted to do after that was expire, not jump for joy about my newly found confidence.  But on Saturday, Brie and I are going to hang out with a group of people who we never have before.  There are attractive males involved.  We will see how that goes...

The Saturday get-together is not certain quite yet. But, yes, there are attractive males involved. Also, the object of my affections might be coming, so I'm going to be doing a lot of things out of my comfort zone. For example, during the scary part of the movie I will grab his arm in fear and then play it off like it was nothing. This is a huge deal; he makes me really nervous! I sound so childish. :) I remember in the ninth grade my English teacher pulled me aside and told me that she wanted me to practice stepping out of my comfort zone by raising my hand at least once every class period. As a shy young freshman, that was the bane of my existence. I really hate when teachers make students participate. Everyone learns in different ways, and I am fine with just listening attentively to the lecture. This subject is getting me all riled up...

xx Brie

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 22

Pleasure is something that will all deserve.  Look at it as something that is essential in your life and make it a part of your daily routine.

It is a Saturday, so I am really not having trouble fitting pleasure into my schedule.  Brie and I are having a movie night tonight, I got to read all morning, and I had cupcakes for dessert today.  During the week I usually have a harder time fitting pleasure into my schedule.  It can be something as simple as watching a movie before you go to bed or talking to a friend for a long period of time.  My dad always said that fun and happiness aren't the same thing.  I think there is great truth to that statement.  I also think, though, that if someone stood in between me and my books, someone would get a broken nose.

I just got back from said movie night. I am not exaggerating when I say that was the scariest movie I have ever seen. We watched "Ringu". The original Japanese version of "The Ring". Then we watched "Tangled" to take our minds off of it. I listened to a lot of music today for pleasure, but I do that every day. :) I watched two movies today and I talked with my best friend for a long period of time. I think my pleasure overpowered my fear. Hopefully. I'll let you know (if I make it to tomorrow); I haven't shut out the lights to go to bed yet...

xx Brie

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21

Write down every far fetched dream you have fantasized about and realize that they are possible!

My dreams
1. Live in Hawaii for at least a year IT'S POSSIBLE!
2. Live in London for at least a year IT'S POSSIBLE!
3. Go through 1001 albums, books, and movies IT'S POSSIBLE!
4. Get in shape! IT'S POSSIBLE!
5. Get to all 1000 places in my life IT'S POSSIBLE!
6. Work on a movie set IT'S POSSIBLE!
7. Be loved by Ewan McGregor OKAY, I REALLY DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT!
8. Go horseback riding, rock climbing, and skiing IT'S POSSIBLE!
9. Meet an idol IT'S POSSIBLE!
10. Solve a mystery IT'S POSSIBLE!

These are my dreams. Things that I think I have to do to feel like a success and like I am living to my full potential.

My dreams
1. Travel the world C'est possible!
2. Write something that I'm proud of C'est possible!
3. Learn everything I can about music and art C'est possible!
4. Feel confident in my own skin C'est possible!
5. Live in France, England, India, and Japan for a period of time C'est possible!
6. Find my true home (literally or metaphorically) C'est possible!
7. Find my soulmate C'est possible!
8. Go on a yoga/meditation retreat C'est possible!
9. Spend my youth in a city and settle in the country C'est possible!
10. Time travel to the sixties Unfortunately, not possible yet :(

xx Brie

"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets." -Marilyn Monroe

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20

Make sure to have daily check ins with your body.  Certain gripes or pains may signal something more serious, and it is a good idea to pay attention to what your body is telling you.

I think this is a really good idea.  My one friend refuses to rest when she feels herself start to get sick and ends up just getting a lot worse.  She also gets everyone else she talks to sick which pisses me off to no end but the point is, if she listened to what her body was telling her she would be a lot better off.  I think I am rather good at listening to what my body needs.  I usually nip things in the bud.  I also think it is important to listen to when your body needs rest or a break.  I am particularly talented in this department.  For instance, after this I am going to relax with Terms of Endearment.  My perception astounds me sometimes.

I do not get sick often, but when I do, I make sure I give my body what it needs. Proper care while sick will obviously shorten the time of your illness. Lately my stomach has been in knots constantly (that's a whole different story), and I barely have any appetite. Even though I don't have an appetite, I still listen to my stomach and eat. I have family members who are constantly sick. And I mean constantly. They are always on the run with all of their different activities and school functions. They never get a break or give their bodies time to rest, which is probably why they are more subject to getting whatever sickness is going around. They should listen to their bodies and take a much needed rest.

xx Brie

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19

Live for each individual moment.   Ask yourself before you eat something or do something stupid if what you are doing is best for you at this moment.

Brie, what was the line in The Titanic that is in the note Jack gives to Rose?  Was it something about living for each moment?

Anyways, I think I got all my irrelevance out.  Nope, not yet.  Today I wore heels and didn't trip once (*high fives self*).  Alright, I am good.  So today I exceeded my daily quota of embarrassment by saying something stupid.  In my defense, the guy should really learn what sarcasm is.  Still, I think if I had really thought about what I said beforehand, I wouldn't have said it.  I, however, completely forgot about this post until about ten minutes ago.  The multiple witnesses of The Incident are proof that you should look before you leap.

I'm not sure about the exact line... We should ask Rachel. Let's have her as a guest blogger! I was so impressed about the heels! You go, girl! Well, if it makes you feel any better I put my foot in my mouth yesterday. That will be discussed later. My Aunt Bethy always says "look before you leap." As someone with a very youthful heart, I tend to do things on impulse and not think things through. Although with some things I will analyze to oblivion and psych myself out. I'm actually okay with that. I like doing things on impulse. I have pretty good intuition and common sense, so I think I'm fine. :) However, what is best for us at the moment will not always be what is best for us in the long run.

xx Brie

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18

Laugh.  Right now. This second. 

I just tried to laugh right now.  It wasn't pretty, good thing I am alone.  If you don't want to sound like a cross between Lucius from The Golden Ass and Julia Roberts, here are some prompts.

P.S.  Thank you, Brie, for yesterday.  Me and imdb have been rivals for ages!

Pas probleme! That's what best friends are for! Great, now I have to top Amanda's laugh prompts.

This is Amanda and I in high school French class when Madame would speak to us. (We adore her.)

Food companies want us to burst with fat.

Texting, smoking, driving

xx Brie

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17

If your life was a book or a movie, would you be interested in the storyline?

I think if my life was a movie, this would be the very beginning. Right now, I am like Joan Wilder at the beginning of Romancing the Stone.  I am pretty unhappy with where I live, what my job is now, and of course, Michael Douglass has not saved me from any snakes yet (always a disapointment when I realize that).  Also, it would be a pretty boring movie if it was based on a blogger (ahem...not that I am thinking of any movie in particular here).  Things will start to change in about two years, so who knows?  Maybe I will come back to this post and edit it to talk about how thrilling it is to work with Sean Connery in grand thefts.

I feel like my life is a mixture of a few stories. First, Pride & Prejudice, because I'm the 'smart one' in the family who is interested in culture and such. Once a group of my friends tried to persuede me to go out with this guy that was just... very unappealing. I'm sorry to say that, but come on! (He was the Mr. Collins, if we are drawing parallels to the book.) And I have embarrassing sisters. I'm also a little bit of Charlie from The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. At the beginning he was, as the title gives away, a wallflower. But he blossoms into this cool kid who is making things happen in his life and taking action. Hopefully that is the phase I am moving towards. I am also a combination of many characters from the works of Jack Kerouac. I make my own rules, and can't sit still. I always want to be on the road. :)

xx Brie

P.S. I'm so jealous of how cool Amanda's post is. She knows more about movies than IMDb.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 16

Everyday stress can be incredibly obnoxious and trying.  However, if we didn't have the little stress inducers, we would never be able to handle the huge events in our lives that require the most from us.

I have an alarming amount of things to do today.  It's a Sunday, but I will still be working throughout the day.  I am not wigging out yet, though, which is a good sign.  It is so annoying to hear people whine about the most menial things.  It makes them seem weak and self-centered.  I can always put my minor sufferings in perspective quite easily.  I have faced the real crisises and have come out strong.  This is childsplay (this sentiment might change tomorrow if I don't finish my work!).

I also have an overwhelming amount of work to do today. Have you ever observed someone else's situation and think to yourself, "that would never happen to me"? And then have that situation happen to you? That happened to me. I am proud to say that I have come out stronger than ever. I always say to myself: the challenges I face complete me and make me whole. I truly believe this. Don't let those little stresses of every day life make you miserable! If you can't handle those day to day tasks, there's no way you can overcome a major hardship when it comes your way. Audrey Hepburn exemplifies todays post. She endured so many hardships throughout her life (a childhood in the middle of World War II hiding from Nazis, many miscarriages, two divorces, etc.) and she handled it all with such grace and class. She never complained or thrust her problems on others. She became a stronger woman because of those challenges.

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." -Audrey Hepburn

xx Brie

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 15

Pay attention today to see just how many negative thoughts cross your mind.  Noticing is the first step to start eliminating these thoughts.

It is 7:07 in the morning right now (believe me, this is not voluntary).  But this is good; I will now think to notice all my negative thoughts today.  This is one of those posts that I feel like we have already discussed so I am not going to go on too much longer.  It is really important to remember to not constantly abuse yourself.  We should all be our own best friend (I know that sounds sad but I think it is true; back me up, Brie!).  Like I said in an earlier post, if I talked to my friends like I talked to me, I would be such a bitch!

Absolutely, we should all be our own best friend. Sadly enough, people come and go in our lives, but you always have yourself. So you're never really alone. I hope this doesn't sound desperate or anything, but I like to be alone. I am comfortable being myself (of course) and I accept myself for who I am. Now the tricky part is to become as comfortable as you are alone when you are in public. Now, addressing Amanda's last sentence above: I agree completely. Ask yourself, would I say this to my friends? If not, why do you deserve to be treated worse than your friends? You don't. Life really is what you make it. Change your outlook and you can change the outcome.

xx Brie

Friday, October 14, 2011

October 14

We rarely listen to the world around us nowadays.  There is always something on (music, tv, a movie, etc.).  Take a walk in the woods or in a quiet neighborhood.  You will be surprised what you hear when your ears are open.

Um, hell no.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with the message.  We should listen more.  But I have also seen The Edge like six times and multiple serial killer movies, so no: I am not going into the woods alone.  Don't get me started on the ant incident of '08.  Right now, I am watching Queen Christina as I write this post.  When that is over, I will probably listen to my album for the day.  As you can see, I haven't exactly embraced this message yet.  Believe or not, though, these blogs aren't my entire life; I fit them in by having movies or albums on in the background while I complete other work.  But this particular blog is about growing, so I am going to attempt this feat later tonight.  I will sit outside for at least ten minutes (shocking, right?) and just listen.
By the way, the value I tried to embrace today was COURAGE.  That didn't work out.  Try, try again.

There aren't really any wooded areas around me. But I do love to walk outside when I get the chance. In fact, just today I took a quick walk outside, but came in because it was a bit cold. I really enjoyed seeing the beautiful autumn leaves and the breeze was so refreshing. Unfortunately, I heard cars and such, which took the experience down a notch. I really admire Diana Fletcher's message to not get too caught up in electronic devices as so many people do these days. I constantly see kids glued to their cell phones with their iPods in their ears and think that it is such a waste. Don't let life pass you by. Stop and smell the roses! And if you get the chance, take a walk. Even if it is just for ten minutes, it will clear your head and really rejuvenate you.

xx Brie

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13

Sadness is not an emotion that must be avoided at all costs, but rather embraced and noticed.   That is not to say that you should wallow in your misery, but if you are feeling sad, you should address, give it its due attention, and then move on.

I totally wallow.
Now, I am reasonably sure (right, Brie? she asked nervously) that I don't continually bombard my friends with my problems and bother them about it.  When I am sad about a certain problem, I constantly obsess about it, long after its solution.  I remember feeling so depressed about an embarrassing situation once, that I went five minutes without thinking about it, and was startled.  That's right, I was actually surprised that I was not thinking about it.  For five minutes.  Yikes...

My dad once gave me great advice on sadness.  He told me that if you are not going to be sad about whatever happened in fifteen years, why be sad about it for the next fifteen minutes? It is kind of embarrassing once you realize how minuscule the situation that you have been obsessing about is.  If you are extremely sad about something serious (a death, an accident, etc.) that is a different problem.  But if you are sad about something embarrassing remember: it's all about the story.

You definitely don't bombard us! That's what we're here for! :) I am very good at expressing sadness. That may sound odd. But I really know how to get into the melodramatic mood, if you know what I mean. I play dramatic/really sad music; I have albums on my iPod reserved especially for sad times (Billie Holiday's "Lady In Satin" is my stand-by). I let myself cry and I may even eat chocolate. Who am I kidding, I do that every day anyways.

That being said, I am pretty good at putting upsetting situations behind me fairly quickly and I let myself laugh about it. To get perspective I picture myself a few years from now. I would probably be very upset with myself if I spend all of my energy obsessing over every little upsetting thing that happens to me!

On my seventeenth birthday, I got up nice and early in the morning (it was a Saturday). I told my parents what I wanted to do and they agreed and said that the family would do what I wanted that day. I was so excited, and I picked out the perfect outfit and everything. My hopes were so high. They decided that we would stay home the whole day because my sisters didn't feel like going anywhere. On my birthday. I was devastated. I sat up in my room all day listening to Bob Dylan's album "Blood On The Tracks" and cried my little eyes out. But I got over it. Just as Amanda said, it is a story.

"Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you respond to it." - Unknown
xx Brie

October 12

How we live our lives reflects our values. It is important to live according to what you believe. For example, if you value truthfulness, are you an honest person? Make a list of seven values and really internalize one every day for one week.

It is very difficult for me to list my values, as I consider myself a very free and spontaneous person. My beliefs depend on the situation, but I will give this list my best effort.

(in no particular order)

1. I value creativity and self expression
2. I value non-conformity and individuality
3. I care for myself and value healthfulness
4. I value my uninhibited actions
5. I value optimism
6. I value being conscious of others and caring for them as best I can
7. I value, most of all, friendship

If you do not live according to your values, you will inevitably be unsatisfied with your life.

xx Brie

P.S. This quote has nothing to do with the post. Or maybe it does. It depends on what your values are, I suppose. :) I was just really feeling this quote today and had some great success with introspection. I made very important promises and resolutions to myself today.

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus

My values include:
1. Humor
2. Friendship
3. Courage
4. Intelligence
5. Individuality (she says as she copies from Brie's)
6. Kindness
7. Loyalty
It is going to be fun to try to apply one to each day.  Of course, if they are your values you should try to apply all of them all day.  One a day, though, is a good first step.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 11

Getting rid of clutter and noise can may you think clearer.  It also can be very relaxing to be able to work in a clean space in quiet.

I am writing this post with an unmade bed behind me, empty soda cans around me, and a spilled makeup bag under me.  I am not really that messy of a person, but I am not neat enough to be able to lecture readers on clearing space.  I do plan on cleaning up after writing this.  I also rarely have quiet.  I usually have an album or a movie on in the background.  So today, after I clean up, I am going to sit outside for a couple of minutes and just think.

I do not consider myself a 'neat freak'. But I do like everything to be put away. Books on shelves, clothes in drawers or on hangers, desk uncluttered. I find that I am more calm and I stress less when things are put away. I simply cannot concentrate on anything with everything in shambles. This kind of contradicts that Albert Einstein quote I posted a few days ago... but aren't women supposed to be a million contradictions?

xx Brie

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10

Remember funny scenes from t.v. shows or movies will instantly make you laugh and feel better.

Here are some of my favorite funny scenes from tv shows and movies:

Sidenote: I recently watched the movie Sideways and it was hilarious.

I was in hysterics after watching those videos, Amanda! :) I do this all the time. Too often, actually. I was at the dentist a few days ago and I thought of the scene from The Office when Dwight lies about being at the dentist and when Michael asks for the name of the dentist, Dwight says "...Crentist. Maybe that's why he became a dentist." I almost bit my dentist's hand. Thankfully, there were no casualties.

xx Brie

p.s. This always makes me laugh so hard... (it's from an e-mail forward)

Truths For Mature Humans

1. I think part of a best friend’s job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.
3. I totally take back all those times I didn’t want to nap when I was younger.
4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
6. Was learning cursive really necessary?
7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.
9. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired.
10. Bad decisions make good stories.
11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren’t going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don’t want to have to restart my collection…again.
13. I’m always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.
14. “Do not machine wash or tumble dry” means I will never wash this – ever.
15. I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? **** it!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voice mail. What did you do after I didn’t answer? Drop the phone and run away?
16. I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.
17. I keep some people’s phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.
18. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.
19. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay.
20. I wish Google Maps had an “Avoid Ghetto” routing option.
21. Sometimes, I’ll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and suddenly realize I had no idea what the heck was going on when I first saw it.
22. I would rather try to carry 10 over-loaded plastic bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.
23. The only time I look forward to a red light is when I’m trying to finish a text.
24. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.
25. How many times is it appropriate to say “What?” before you just nod and smile because you still didn’t hear or understand a word they said?
26. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!
27. Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.
28. Is it just me or do high school kids get dumber & dumber every year?
29. There’s no worse feeling than that millisecond you’re sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
30. As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate bicyclists.
31. Sometimes I’ll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
32. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey – but I’d bet my *** everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9

Whenever you feel like you can't focus, take about ten minutes to think or daydream.  When you return to the task, you will feel refreshed and reenergized.

I may be a little too good at this message.  I constantly am daydreaming and thinking of something else.  I think about different stories I have read or invented, my future, several scenarios that will never happen but make me laugh or want to cry.  Of course, you can't let yourself get to caught up in your daydreams or else you will never get any work done.  I like the idea of setting aside special time for daydreaming rather than letting it take over or never fantasizing at all.

Is it a bad thing that I constantly daydream? I know I need to cut back. (The first step is admitting that I have a problem). The good thing is that I didn't daydream all that much when I was in school, as there was something to keep me distracted most of the time. Every once and a while, though, my mind would wander. But I think that is normal. Mostly I daydream when I am at home. And about similar things that Amanda does: stories (real and fake), things that I wish would happen to me in the future, all kinds of things. I think it is healthy to have an active imagination. Just don't put all of your happiness in your daydreams. It is very important to create things in reality that can provide happiness for you.

xx Brie

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere." - Albert Einstein

Saturday, October 8, 2011

October 8

We cannot handle everything alone.  Help another woman today and if you need help, ask for it.

Again, I am at odds with the writer.  I identify with all humans, not just women so if I had the opportunity to help a man today, I would have taken it.  I actually felt a little odd about this one, because I think I would feel guilty if I really just helped someone just so I could say I did.  Then again, I should strive to help someone every single day.  So, I am going to extend this message for the rest of the week.  Every day, I will make a significant impact in someone's day (i.e. not just opening the door for someone).  I will report on project in this endeavor every day for the next week.  Wish me luck!

I completely agree with Amanda. I think we should all try to do one nice thing for someone else every single day. Something small like recieving a compliment in passing can really brighten someone's day and make their outlook more positive. I know it always brightens my day when someone gives me a compliment or even just a smile. If you see someone who looks like they are having a bad day, strike up a conversation. Maybe all they need is a companion. This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: "Sometimes a man needs a story more than food or drink." - unknown. Also, try to lead by example. If you are positive and joyous, others will follow suit.

"As we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." - Nelson Mandela

xx Brie

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 7

Change negative thoughts to positive ones.  Break the habit of speaking harshly to yourself.

I feel we have addressed the idea of changing the way you think in previous posts.  If this is the first post you have read, the idea is to change the negative thoughts that enter into your head to positive ones, simply by changing the phrase.  For instance, if you were to say "I am so fat" you could change it to "I am going to work harder to lose weight".  I think I have already started to do this, so I won't go on long.  I will add that sometimes we get so used to insulting ourselves that we don't even realize we are doing it.  The solution: pay attention.

Throughout Happy On Purpose, one of the themes we are noticing is that it is highly beneficial to have a positive attitude towards ourselves. Today, really pay attention to what you say. I cannot tell you how many times I will hear someone say something like "Oh, I'm so stupid" like it is nothing. They even say it with a smile and a light attitude. Just because they made a mistake doesn't make them stupid. I suppose people who are in the habit of saying things like that no longer acknowledge the meaning behind the words they say. So if you are in the habit of saying one of those negative phrases, do your best to refrain.

xx Brie

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6

We need time to recover from vacations, family visits, and travel.  If we don't give ourselves time to refresh , we will stress ourselves and the people around us out.

This message seems simple but it is extremely hard to follow.  My family visits always happen on weekends, so by the time everyone leaves or I return home, it is already Monday again.  I cannot give myself time to recover because I have to go immediately back to my thrilling day-to-day routine.  Consequently, I am not able to get all my work done on the weekends so I am pretty much screwed for the following week.  Of course, the old try-to-get-stuff-done-while-talking-to-your-relatives-then-being-accused-of-ignoring-them system is always an option.  I guess the solution is to take a day off after the reunions.  I don't know about that Di...

While this is great advice, I tend to agree with Amanda. For some of us, it is impossible to control our schedules. Sometimes we just cannot cancel our committments. So if you are in that situation where you can't take that all important day off, try to eat right and give yourself enough sleep. Doing this may sound basic, but many people do not eat right and try to live day to day on just a few hours of sleep. Also, try to maintain a calm, peaceful state of mind. I know it is difficult, we have all been there. Just do your best to plow through it.

xx Brie

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 5

Taking a break from constantly obsessing over a problem can be relaxing and useful.  Just take one day off and you will amazed at the results it brings you.

Today, I decided to take a break from all the stressful work I have had to do.  I did work really hard during the day, but this allowed to have the evening completely off.  I watched Sixteen Candles, played pool, and watched two of the best shows ever (Modern Family and Surivior).  It was a lot of fun.  By relaxing like this, I will be more refreshed and able to work tomorrow.  I loved this one...

I would have loved to fully enjoy today's tip, but unfortunately I had work that is due tomorrow. So I completed my work as soon as I got home so I would have the rest of the evening off to enjoy my down time and give my body much needed rest. Those who are constantly stressed are more prone to illness. So if you take time out every day, even if it is just for twenty minutes, and do the things you love, you will ultimately live a fuller, happier life. Don't be afraid to put yourself first.

xx Brie

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4

Negative thoughts about yourself are very rarely useful.  Realize this, and whenever a negative thought comes into your brain today say "I am not going to pay attention to you."

When I first read today's message, I was convinced that I was guilty of negative thought, maybe even at an hourly basis.  As I went through my day today, though, I noticed that I rarely let a negative thought pass through my mind.  Now, I had an exceptionally good day today so maybe this wasn't the most accurate experiment.  Still, I was really proud of myself. To avoid having negative thoughts in the future, I plan on acting like I am having a great day, every day.  We will see how it goes...

I like to think that I am thinking less and less negative thoughts about myself as the days go by. I mean, life's too short to spend it being hateful towards yourself. My little cousin used to sing that song that goes "It isn't any trouble just to s-m-i-l-e!" Adorable. The more I think about it, the more I realize how true it is. It really isn't any trouble to look into a mirror and give yourself a smile or crack a joke in your mind to brighten your mood.

xx Brie

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3

If you are having trouble with drugs or have another addiction of the kind, it may be your inner child calling out. Children focus on fun all of the time. Maybe you miss being as carefree as you were when you were young. Or maybe you never had fun as a child, so you are trying to make up for lost time now.

Whether you did or did not have fun as a child, it is up to you now to create your own life. You are in charge or your life and your choices. You may live as joyfully as you like. To begin, start looking at your life with a more positive, fun outlook. Perhaps you are making your daily life more difficult than it has to be. Try to see the humor in every situation. Remember, whatever you give to life, it gives you back. If you exude hatred, it will someday come back to you. Love, and love will always find its way back to you.

"The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be." - Dalai Lama

I have included one of my favorite little inspirations below. Enjoy :)
xx Brie

I have met a lot of people who take themselves too seriously.  They are really unpleasant to be around.  They are absolutely no fun and they are quite insenistive.  Some people act like the worst thing that could ever happen to a human being is whatever trivial problem they are dealing with for the next two days while all around them people are dealing with real shit.  I remember in high school I was friends with a gay guy who I had a crush on (who seemingly was in love with a lesbian; it is a long story). He said people who have really pushy parents who are never happy with what they accomplish are lucky because they are pushed into success.  I told him he was an idiot, which might have factored into the decline of the friendship.  My point is people will get sick of you if you are always act like a narrow-minded, strung out freak.  Just relax.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2

Make sure you are mentally challenging yourself and learning every day.  Try to be well-rounded so you can at least have a fundamental conversation with people who have completely different interests than you do.

I feel like I am always learning.  I read a lot which is constantly teaching me about different time periods or new vocabulary.  I also am studying film and learning tons about the innovation of cinema.  And, of course, I listen to a different album a day and learn about music that way.  I have always preferred to learn independently.  However, I have taken a few classes in the past (including, but not limited to, a series of disasterous tae kwon doe classes, a drawing class when I learned how to sketch alien dogs, and a few dance classes).  I have also been teaching myself how to cook (turnip soup is absolutely disgusting).  Like I have said in previous posts, it is great to have projects that you can learn from.

You could say that I am an expeditionary. Specifically when it comes to music. I have so much music on my computer, I am constantly trying to organize it. I also love to read and learn about different time periods. Especially the sixties. I love experimenting and learning about fashion and different cultures. Amanda and I do a lot of things together, so our answers are very much the same. However, I have never taken any disasterous classes. Just some swim lessons when I was younger. I prefer to teach myself skills, because I feel like I am evolving when I work something out for myself. This does not include instruments, I cannot teach myself how to play an instrument for the life of me. I need a teacher.

xx Brie

If you don't have the time to take any classes, just create some activities that you can do in your down time. I really like arts and crafts projects, and with those you can just work on them when you have a few minutes or are feeling particularly artsy. You could also surf the internet and read a couple of interesting articles. Your knowledge will continue to expand, and soon you will find that you have something intelligent to say on almost every subject!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1

We cannot control everything.  This can scare us but sometimes the uncertainty and fear can take over our lives.  If that ever happens, don't be afraid to ask for help.

Time scares me the most.  Sometimes, I want it to speed up and other times I desperately want it to slow down.  You have to be able to accept all the uncertainties in life.  I always thought of it as a trade: I get a certain amount of years and in return I will be able to love, have wonderful experiences, and get to enjoy a incredible range of emotions.  This doesn't mean I am completely okay with some of the awful truths, but I at least don't let the unknown take me over.

It is hard for me to put my finger on what exactly scares me. I know that not knowing what the future holds makes me fearful. Not being in control can sometimes make me stressed, but other times I can really be a 'go with the flow' kind of person. I like to think that I have a somewhat firm grasp on reality, so I don't exactly fear that I will end up in crazy situations. I am working on being able to ask for help. I have wonderful friends who will help me anytime, but I just have this crazy feeling that asking for help would be this huge burden on them. I know it's totally not true. It's not them, it's me! Being able to ask for help is one of the biggest things for me to work on. I need to get it in my head that I cannot do it all by myself!

xx Brie