Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31

You choose how to react to a situation.  Remember, you want to be happy.  You will probably not be happy if you obsess over or react rudely to something someone says.  Say "I forgive you" immediately in your head after someone says something awful and move on.

Yeah, yeah.  Great advice, Di! Top notch!

Anyway, I want to talk about Halloween.  I love Halloween!  I dressed up like Arthur Dent from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy today.  I also am eating indecent amounts of candy and watching absurd horror movies.  I am going over a friend's house so I can pass out candy and feel good about myself for talking to kids for five seconds.  I actually think the message is very good today and am going to try out the forgiveness thought first chance I get.  However, I actually have my own advice today.  Completely get into holidays.  Halloween doesn't just have to be for kids and Valentine's Day isn't just for lovers.  It is really fun to get involved, even if you just do something fun by yourself.

Forgiveness is good. (I just said that out loud to myself.) There is someone I need to forgive in my life right now. I also need to forgive myself to putting so much pressure on myself. (I know there are two 'myself's in that sentence, but I didn't know how else to phrase it.) I really like Amanda's advice. I wish I had more of a chance to get into Halloween today. I did dress up as Edie Sedgwick, though! I kind of do that on a daily basis, so when I was in my costume, someone asked me, "when are you going to get changed?" Yeah. That made me want to ask them, "Why are you the way you are?" I am continuously chanting to myself every day "happy on purpose, happy on purpose" because I tend to blame others for my unhappiness. But then I remind myself that the whole point of doing this blog is to take responsibility for my own happiness. It's a work in progress.

xx Brie

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