Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19

There is always a choice.

Although I think the above message is true, I believe that sometimes the other choices are so absurd that if you are smart, your choices are limited. For instance, I know I can choose to blow off two important meetings tomorrow but I would be totally screwed if I did, so I know I really can't.  I also know that technically I can choose not to watch "Countdown" forty times in a row, but realistically the power of the colors holds me back.  It is all about the balance.

There are two kinds of choices, the way I see it. The kind that lets you follow your heart and the kind that lets you follow your judgement and brain. So, even if you have those choices, can you ever really be happy unless you have followed your heart? I know it would probably be different and more complicated in a real life situation, but I think we should always follow our hearts. That is where I believe true happiness comes from. I also think that if you follow your head rather than your heart, you will be more prone to regrets and those two haunting words: 'what if?'.

xx Brie

P.S. My Dalai Lama daily inspiration calender really captured what I think this blog, and Diana Fletcher's book, is about.

When our self-defeating attitudes, emotions, and conceptions cease, so will the harmful actions arising from them.

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