Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 6

If something is not working for you, change it.  Just because it is tradition to do something a certain way doesn't mean you can't change it if it is bothering you.

Certain uncomfortable situations seem to present themselves often and it always shocks me.  I think to myself: "how could I let this happen again; I already went through this!"  I try to take each experience, however horrific it is, as a learning experience.  Of course, if you let history repeat itself, what was the point of going through it in the first place?  I think a good way to prevent this is to try to figure out what you could do differently next time right after something bad happens.  That way, you are always prepared.  I really should learn to take my own advice!

Sometimes I am so used to tolerating things that I just try to push right through it, the thought of changing the situation or not accepting it never occuring to me. I agree with Amanda; experience is the best teacher. I love Amanda's advice. I put it into practice all of the time. Usually, when I make a mistake I immediately go through the different ways I could have gone about the situation. I find that really prepares me for future situations and helps me learn from my mistakes.

xx Brie

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