Make a list of things you could do if money wasn't a problem. Try to think of ways you could make the dream happen without the cash.
1. Live in London
3. Get started as a producer in Hollywood
4. Be a private detective
5. Stay in a castle
1. Have a ridiculous amount of clothes
2. Live in France and New York
3. Start an organization that helps people in Third World countries
4. Travel, without working (meaning I wouldn't have a job, and I would just travel around not worrying about how I am going to pay for everything)
5. Study at an amazing university anywhere in the world
Basically, I just want to work on creative projects all of the time and not have to have a job or anything that takes up my time doing something I don't like. I think we all want to do what we want, when we want, all the time. Of course, that isn't realistic. But it doesn't have to be realistic on this list.
xx Brie
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